I'm pretty far behind on posting to the blog and with a number of things to catch up on, I will keep this post short. With only 33 days until the marathon, we're in the home stretch of training and fundraising! We've raised over $7,700 thus far this year and over $57,100 since beginning this adventure in Nov 2011! Looking forward to the day when I can say that we've passed the $60,000 mark for the 5 years!

This past Saturday was a drop down week for us followed by the patient partner poster party. We got RJ's poster done and I'm sure it will look great at the pasta party on April 17! The run itself was the first run this season where shorts and a t-shirt were appropriate clothing. It warmed up quickly and though we started a little slow, we pushed the pace at the end, running in the low-mid 8min/mile range. It also felt great to hit some of the hills and power up them, passing a number of runners along the way. Hopefully this holds true during the marathon as well!
This week we'll be increasing mileage back up to the 16-18mi range and then it's our bing 20mi weekend before we start to taper and rest up for the marathon.
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