After the prior weekend's poor 14-mile run, I took last week a bit easy. I kept my speed workout and a modified tempo run, but cut the mileage and speed back a bit. Saturday's team run was my 3rd 18 mile run this season and a great bounce back from the 14-miler. Overall I felt strong throughout the run and feel good heading into this weekend's 20-22 miles.

Saturday's group run was special for another reason, Chris's family came out to support the DFMC team and cheer us on! Seeing Betsy and the kids at mile 7.5 was energizing and a reminder of why we go out and train and fundraise for DFMC. When Chris and I chatted about DFMC in the fall, Chris saw the DFMC experience as one that could extend beyond him. He hoped that his kids could see the determination and perseverance that motivates the runners and volunteers and that the kids could take something positive away. Hopefully Chris's wish was fulfilled this weekend and by joining our dedicated volunteers and seeing 60+ people run for charity, the spirit of DFMC was obvious.
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