Dec 9-15, Week 1
Well, the first week of training for Boston started off much different than last year. After finishing the NYC marathon last year and being excited for the Boston training, this year saw the tragedy of Sandy resulting in the cancellation of the NYC marathon (not that I was running) and then a family illness take priority over most other aspects of life for a week. Though two very different starts to Boston training, the week ended well with our first group run!
Like last year we met in Lexington, MA at the Greater Boston Running Co for our first run of 8-10mi. It was a gorgeous Dec day, sunny and about 35F outside - a little cool but near perfect running weather :) Perhaps I'm a little crazy, but I would gladly take this day over a 70F day for training. I am going into the training this year with a different mindset. After training hard last year, I felt like I peaked with 4-6 weeks of training to go and was not in peak shape for the marathon, even if it was 88F for the race. This year, I hope to run the lower mileage most times and also run at a slower pace. What I realized this weekend is that those are hard goals to stick to. My plan was to run 8 mi at ~10min pace. I managed to stick to the 8mi, though through chatting with other runners, ran at a 9.10min/mi pace. A bit faster than I wanted, but for a 'short' run, it was ok. Overall, a great way to start off the training season!
In addition to it being the 1st week of DFMC / Boston training, the 13th also marked the 1mo date of the PBSC donation. The folks from the bone marrow registry called to check on me but unfortunately had no information on how the patient was doing at this point. I was told that at 6mo such information should be available, so hopefully I'll hear something then.
Lastly, I also received an e-mail from the DFMC office that I was again accepted into the Patient Partner Program and have the pleasure of running in support of RJ this year!! Very exciting and definitely looking forward to RJ's support and inspiration in the weeks and months ahead. As I know from last year, the training and race are difficult, but the battles that others face can be so much worse. I thought of RJ and others throughout the training months and race and they all served as a source of inspiration whenever I needed it.
Running in honor and support of Chris Davie and his family as Chris battles glioblastoma. Fundraising to support The Claudia Adams Barr Program for Innovative Cancer Research at Dana-Farber while training for my 7th Boston Marathon with DFMC. We have raised over $83,000 during my previous 6 years and aim to surpass $100,000 this year!
About Me
- chris
- My Goal: Run the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2019 with the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge. Raise $17,000 (or more!) where 100% of funds raised benefit the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research. I run in honor of my friend Chris Davie who is battling brain cancer. I also run in honor for my friend RJ and his continued cancer-free life, in memory of Heather Thomson, and for other family and friends who are or have battled cancer. Together we can help Dana-Farber Cancer Institute reach the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer
Barr Program Impact Statements
Barr Program Impact Statements
Immunotherapies: New Ways to Activate the Immune System—An important area of cancer research asks why the human body's defense systems do not always attack and destroy tumors as they form. Funded by the Claudia Adams Barr Program, Glenn Dranoff, MD, discovered complex regulatory pathways in the human immune system that cancers exploit in order to escape destruction. Reversal of these effects can lead to the development of vaccines against cancer, like Provenge for prostate cancer. This research has also enabled the development of immune-activating drugs such as ipilimumab, which showed striking effects in melanoma in a trial led by Dana-Farber scientists and is now approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Donation Complete!
Today is 24 hours post-PBSC donation and it was a bit different than expected. As mentioned, the preparation shots started on Friday and at that point the medical director stated that they expected the donation to be a 1 day donation and take about 5 hrs. Flash forward to Tues AM, starting the donation at 8am and thus expecting to be done at 1pm. Well, I had to be difficult and screw those plans up, but I'll get there. After getting to the donation center at 7am and getting another set of preparation shots (which increase circulating stem cells during the donation), I entered the donation room and had more attention from the 3 nurses than I knew what to do with. They were great and got everything all set up by 8am.
The donation started by separating 0.3L of plasma and from there, the PBSC collection started. During this time, some initial results from profiling the blood came in and the white cell count was low compared to what was expected. Nothing to do but continue the donation at this point. At 1030, the stem cell counts came back and were also lower than expected. This made me wonder whether it would be a 1 day donation or become a 2 day donation. Again, nothing to do but let the machine continue to collect cells until a decision came from the director and transplant team about the best option. Finally, this came around 12.15pm and it was not what we nor the nurse expected. I was asked if I could stay on the machine for ~7hrs?! After hearing the options and deciding on the extended donation, lunch was ordered and we kept on moving along. In the end, 30L of blood was circulated through the apheresis machine and ~0.75L of cells and plasma was collected for the patient. I don't have any more of an update but was told that we met a goal of the transplant team. Hopefully it can now help the kid.
For me, the process was quite tiring. I couldn't move my left arm for the 7hrs nor do too much with my right arm since the return needle was in that forearm. Afterward, a nice 2hr nap helped rejuvenate me, though some aches and pains remain through today. After a long day, many thanks go out to friends and family for support leading up to and during the donation and to Amy for trekking to Providence and being there during the donation. If I get any more of an update, I'll be sure to update the blog.
Next posts are likely to be the start of DFMC 2013 training where this donation and my experience last year will carry me through both training and the race day!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
1/2 Way Through Filgrastim Shots
Today is day 3 of 5 of the Filgrastim shots to mobilize stem cells from the bone marrow. I didn't realize that the dosage would be split between 2 shots each day. They're not bad, but one would have been nicer! Other than that, everything is proceeding as expected. I was told not to run a 1/2 marathon this morning (the Chilly 1/2 in Newton, MA) which was disappointing but a good recommendation. In the end, this is a major event for the patient and I want to do everything I can to help it succeed. I gave up my number and everyone is running now on a perfect running day here in Boston. Definitely miss being out there, but the right decision as I am starting to feel some of the effects of the repeated treatment.
According to Wikipedia: The most commonly observed adverse effect is mild-to-moderate bone pain after repeated administration and local skin reactions at the site of injection.
Yesterday afternoon I went for an easy run and felt various aches creeping up, most notably in my lower back and sternum. After stretching and showering I crashed and felt exhausted. Waking up this morning, I'm definitely more tired than I would expect after 8-9 hrs of sleep and the lower back soreness is still definitely present. Other aches creep up, but nothing too bad. I guess this is a good thing though as the PBSCs are being mobilized. Only 4 more shots to go and a 5-6hr donation process, but some temporary discomfort to help someone hopefully overcome cancer is definitely worth it!
According to Wikipedia: The most commonly observed adverse effect is mild-to-moderate bone pain after repeated administration and local skin reactions at the site of injection.
Yesterday afternoon I went for an easy run and felt various aches creeping up, most notably in my lower back and sternum. After stretching and showering I crashed and felt exhausted. Waking up this morning, I'm definitely more tired than I would expect after 8-9 hrs of sleep and the lower back soreness is still definitely present. Other aches creep up, but nothing too bad. I guess this is a good thing though as the PBSCs are being mobilized. Only 4 more shots to go and a 5-6hr donation process, but some temporary discomfort to help someone hopefully overcome cancer is definitely worth it!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Upcoming PBSC Donation
While the upcoming DFMC 2013 season is looming in the distance, I'm preparing for one of the most profound experiences in my life to date. The hard thing is that I'll have little idea whether it is succesful or not. Briefly, this Friday I will begin the preparation process to donate Peripheral Blood Stem Cells (PBSCs) for a patient battling a blood cancer followed by the actual donation next Tuesday.
Let me back up a bit. 5 years ago I participated in a bone marrow drive, swabbing my cheek with a Q tip and getting registered in the system as a possible donor. This seemed like a natural step given the nearly 4 gallons of blood that I've donated over the years. Fast forward to summer 2012 when an unexpected phone call and e-mail came reminding me that I had participated in the BM drive and that I may have matched with a patient. I was asked if I would still donate, given some more information and asked to follow up with a blood draw for further confirmation. Seriously though, who would think that they would randomly match with a patient and a request for bone marrow or stem cells would progress. Not only that, but this came the same year as running DFMC 2012 to support cancer research in a historic Boston Marathon. Importantly, I ran in support of my incredible patient partner, RJ, who overcame his own battles and supported me throughout the training season and during the marathon. Needless to say, many thoughts were going through my head about the donation, applying to DFMC 2013 and what the next few weeks/months would hold.
After a few weeks, I was told that the blood test had confirmed that I was a match and that the doctors would like to proceed. Additionally, this was a critical request from the patient's doctors, bringing even more urgency and important to fast-tracking this process. I continued through the confirmation process, essentially designed to ensure that not only am I a match but that I was not putting myself in danger by donating. After an indepth physical, working out the logistics and getting the final approval, the process starts this week.
Friday morning and continuing through Monday I'll be receiving an injection to mobilize stem cells from my bone marrow. This is one method (the other is an actual bone marrow donation) and is less invasive. During the donation on Tuesday, I will essentially be going through an extended platelet donation process...blood will be drawn out one arm, PBSCs purified and the remaining blood returned through the other arm. While there are possible side effects from the preparation process (flu like symptoms mostly) and the donation itself (tired and soreness), I'm just waiting to see how things go. Thanks to my family and friends, I have an excellent support network.
I'll try to update the blog after the donation but in the meantime am preparing to train for Boston 2013 with DFMC. This PBSC donation makes running this year even more meaningful and I can only hope that it helps the recipient obtain a 2nd chance at life. If you'd like more information or to get your name on the donation list, check out - we can all help in our own way, either by running for a charity, joining such a list or donating to such causes.
Let me back up a bit. 5 years ago I participated in a bone marrow drive, swabbing my cheek with a Q tip and getting registered in the system as a possible donor. This seemed like a natural step given the nearly 4 gallons of blood that I've donated over the years. Fast forward to summer 2012 when an unexpected phone call and e-mail came reminding me that I had participated in the BM drive and that I may have matched with a patient. I was asked if I would still donate, given some more information and asked to follow up with a blood draw for further confirmation. Seriously though, who would think that they would randomly match with a patient and a request for bone marrow or stem cells would progress. Not only that, but this came the same year as running DFMC 2012 to support cancer research in a historic Boston Marathon. Importantly, I ran in support of my incredible patient partner, RJ, who overcame his own battles and supported me throughout the training season and during the marathon. Needless to say, many thoughts were going through my head about the donation, applying to DFMC 2013 and what the next few weeks/months would hold.
After a few weeks, I was told that the blood test had confirmed that I was a match and that the doctors would like to proceed. Additionally, this was a critical request from the patient's doctors, bringing even more urgency and important to fast-tracking this process. I continued through the confirmation process, essentially designed to ensure that not only am I a match but that I was not putting myself in danger by donating. After an indepth physical, working out the logistics and getting the final approval, the process starts this week.
Friday morning and continuing through Monday I'll be receiving an injection to mobilize stem cells from my bone marrow. This is one method (the other is an actual bone marrow donation) and is less invasive. During the donation on Tuesday, I will essentially be going through an extended platelet donation process...blood will be drawn out one arm, PBSCs purified and the remaining blood returned through the other arm. While there are possible side effects from the preparation process (flu like symptoms mostly) and the donation itself (tired and soreness), I'm just waiting to see how things go. Thanks to my family and friends, I have an excellent support network.
I'll try to update the blog after the donation but in the meantime am preparing to train for Boston 2013 with DFMC. This PBSC donation makes running this year even more meaningful and I can only hope that it helps the recipient obtain a 2nd chance at life. If you'd like more information or to get your name on the donation list, check out - we can all help in our own way, either by running for a charity, joining such a list or donating to such causes.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
DFMC 2013 Kick Off
A very quick post, but today I confirmed registration with DFMC for the 2013 edition of the Boston Marathon! I'll update the blog when I have more time, but after an incredible experience in 2012 and for a number of existing and new reasons, I decided to join DFMC again this year. Thanks in advance for your support in every and all form over the next 190 days leading to April 15, 2013!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Boston Marathon...Check!
Today I feel good overall; legs are a bit sore and stairs a little slower, some blisters that will disappear, but considering the difficulties and challenges that others experience in life, these are temporary aches achieved while doing something that I enjoy. Running in the Dana-Farber singlet and everything it represents was the most motivating and memorable aspect of the day. The entire length of the course people were thanking and cheering for me and other DFMCers. The thoughts of those that I was running in honor of and in memory of spurred me on as much as my body would allow yesterday.
Thank you to my family, RJ and his family, the 130+ donors, DFMC teammates and all who supported me and making my first DFMC experience possible! Not sure if I have the "marathon bug" but I also don't want to finish my marathon career with a 5hr finish...hmmm, what to do? :)
Friday, April 13, 2012
E-mail from the BAA Today...
Oh joy!
The forecast for April 16th is calling for higher than normal temperatures on the course. If a cold front does not come through the region by mid afternoon, temperatures are predicted to reach into the low 80's. Combine these temps with a south west wind, you may be running in a moderate level of heat and in dryer than normal conditions.
All forms of heat illness (heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke) can be exacerbated by distance running in warmer climates. Heat Stroke is a life threatening illness.
IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER (I selected only a few to share)
IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER (I selected only a few to share)
- Hydrating properly is important...... But be careful; over hydrating can be just as harmful.
- Heat illness is related to elevated temperatures, elevated humidity and to the speed of running.
- Slow down.... Running in the heat should drastically change your pre-race strategy. Slowing down can significantly decrease many forms of heat illness.
- Heatstroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its own temperature and the body temperature continues to rise. Symptoms of heatstroke include mental changes (such as confusion, delirium, or unconsciousness). Heatstroke is a life-threatening medical emergency, requiring emergency medical treatment.
- Run with friends so that you can keep an eye on each other's medical status during the day. If you see a runner in distress, then ask for medical assistance.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
3.5 days to go!
I commented on a facebook post from my sister earlier regarding the 1/2 marathon that we ran together Super Bowl Sunday and was a bit shocked to recall that that race was 2 months ago! How time flies and what a difference between now and then. Before the 1/2 in LA, I was running 35-40mi per week in just 3 runs and then shortly after, I developed quad/hamstring issues that forced me to cross train more. Mentally this took a toll and has made me question how prepared I'll be on Monday. I'm confident I'll finish the race, but less certain about secondary goals. In Feb, the long run was 16mi and in 3 days, if my pacing is good and body feels up to it, after 16mi I'll actually be ramping up the pace to push for a 4hr marathon. In early Feb I had just met RJ, now we'll be sharing Patriot's Day together and as I approach mile 25, I'll be listening for RJ and others along the course at the Patient Partner cheering section. The weather has obviously changed a lot since Feb too, though less so than in previous years.
Thinking about this tonight helps me remember that come Monday, there will be so many things beyond my control and regardless of what my everlasting internet results are, the journey to the finish has been an unforgettable one.
As the weekend approaches, and additional sources of motivation are sought, I plan to turn to a classic. We all know the song, but I've never seen the movie, so Chariots of Fire, we may cross paths...
Monday, April 9, 2012
One week to go...
Only 1 week to go now and it feels odd to have only run 10mi this past weekend. That said, it was nice to be home and have my last training run be with my sister. Luckily, the nagging injuries from the last month or so have been healing up and during the run I felt nearly 100%. Hopefully come Marathon Monday, the weather is closer to Accuweather's forecast (61, partly cloudy) than's forecast (80, sunny). Of course, this is New England and the forecast is likely changing as I type this.
With the marathon approaching, I reminisce of the journey to get to this point. From applying to the DFMC team the day after I finished the NYC marathon, to accepting a team slot and knowing that I'd need to fund raise, to becoming part of the Patient Partner Program and being paired with RJ. The entire DFMC experience has been incredible and will be culminating this weekend with several more activities. As I prepare to add the names of those that I'm running "In Honor Of" and "In Memory Of" to my race shirt, I am reminded of how important this program is - from providing kids at the Jimmy Fund Clinic with an activity to look forward to while undergoing their own treatment, to aiding DFCI researches as they continue research to better the lives of patients. I'm very thankful to have had this opportunity and owe all of the 100+ people that helped support the cause a huge amount of gratitude. Thank you for supporting me and sharing your inspirations and stories throughout my training!!
Mile-By-Mile Guide To The Boston Marathon « CBS Boston
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RJ & Me, DFMC Poster Party |
Mile-By-Mile Guide To The Boston Marathon « CBS Boston
Mile 8 to Mile 9
This mile starts with a slight climb past some office buildings, a very large Planet Fitness gym and a car dealership. There’s another incline past Speen Street, but we’re talking minor uphills here. Overall it’s a pretty flat mile.
You’ll see a sign for the Natick VFW on your left, right around the 9-mile marker.
Mile 9 to Mile 10
This mile starts quietly. You’ve got train tracks on your left and Lake Cochichuate on your right, so not a whole lot of space for spectators.
It’s flat.
You’ll hit the 15k mark as you come to the end of the lake, and you’ll enter a historic district, which is a nice switch from the commercial and industrial landscapes of previous miles.
Think pretty, quaint Victorians as you climb at the half-mile mark toward the town center.
Mile 10 to Mile 11
Time for some big crowds. This mile takes you through Natick Center, past the fire department and municipal buildings. You’ll pass the First Congregational Church with its tall steeple on your left.
There’s a big green with a gazebo on your right – lots of room for adoring fans and kids with outstretched hands for a high five.
You should feel fresh here. If you don’t, dial down the pace a notch.
Mile 11 to Mile 12
This mile starts uphill, and after the first quarter-mile, rolls downhill until almost the 12-mile mark.
In the last half, it’s pretty quiet, with thick woods on your right side. For a quick spell, you’re left to your thoughts. But soon, you won’t be able to hear yourself think.
Mile 12 to Mile 13
As you come upon the main gate of Wellesley College, get ready for a sharp gain in decibels. You’ll hear it as you approach, and before you know it, you’re running through a screaming gauntlet of college co-eds.
The women of Wellesley are loud and proud… but here, they are mostly loud. Impossible to ignore. I remember American elite Ryan Hall playing to this crowd, putting a hand to his ear as he charged past. I actually think some men who are not trying to win the race slow down here. It’s a nice boost.
You’ll pass the 20k mark with a little drop, and then you’ll climb to Wellesley Center.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Course and Weather
Though it is 2 weeks out, Accuweather has already changed its prediction twice...yesterday's prediction was for 51-65 and sunny, today is 41-47 and rainy. An average of the two would be nice...40-50, cloudy with a tail wind = perfect!!
Mile-By-Mile Guide To The Boston Marathon « CBS Boston

Mile-By-Mile Guide To The Boston Marathon « CBS Boston
Mile 2 to Mile 3
If you ran the Boston Marathon between its inception in 1897 and 1923, Ashland is where you would have found the starting line.
Ashland, fittingly, starts out like a party. With any luck, your jitters are gone, you’ve found your rhythm and you’re enjoying the beginning of your long journey to Boston. On your left, the crowd at TJ’s Food and Spirits will keep the party rolling. Expect loud music and raucous support.
Again, some rolling hills through this mile on a stretch of two-lane blacktop with a guardrail and woods on much of one side, but a net descent.
The T station and Dunkin Donuts mark the third mile. (WBZ/Peg Rusconi)
Mile 3 to Mile 4
A couple of iconic Massachusetts logos accompany the third mile marker – Dunkin Donuts, and the circled “T” that marks the Ashland Commuter Rail station.
In this mile, rural gives way to commercial. If you need an ATM, a fast food fix, a national chain drugstore, you’ll run right past it here.
Midway through this mile, you’ll pass a course landmark – the clock tower at the intersection of Union and Chestnut Streets. Appropriate eye candy, as Ashland was home to Henry E. Warren, who invented the electric clock.
Speaking of time, remember to rein in your pace here and stick to your plan. Don’t fool yourself by running on “feel.” Everyone feels great here because it’s early, and they’re running downhill.
At the 4.8 mile mark, you enter Framingham (WBZ/Peg Rusconi)
Mile 4 to Mile 5
This mile takes you out of Ashland and into Framingham. It’s the first mile that actually GAINS elevation – 25 feet over the course of the mile.
A couple tenths of a mile past the Dairy Queen on Route 135, there’s a decent half-mile climb that takes you past a building supply store and a big storage facility.
At the 4.8 mile mark, you’ll enter Framingham: your third town of 8.
Mile 5 to Mile 6
Over the course of this mile, you’ll hit about three little rolling hills, dropping more than you climb. The scenery begins to feel more industrial. By now the pack of runners has spread out significantly and you should be able to run comfortably.
You’ll find the 6-mile marker at Bridge Street.
At the 6.2 mile mark, you will pass the Framingham Train Station. (WBZ/Peg Rusconi)
Mile 6 to Mile 7
You’ll wind downhill at the start of this mile.
A significant landmark at the 6.2 mile mark is the Framingham Train Station. A significant inconvenience in 1907 for all but the lead pack, when a train switched tracks, stopping runners in theirs.
You should be aware you’ll be crossing tracks here. Watch your step.
A restaurant on the right called the Chicken Bone marks the halfway point of this nice, flat mile.
As the course flattens out, resist the urge to run faster than you planned. Remember, the idea that you can “bank” minutes here for the second half of the race will bite you in the backside in the late miles. It’s what the experts say, and it’s what I’ve learned from experience.
Mile 7 takes you into Natick (WBZ/Peg Rusconi)
Mile 7 to Mile 8
Get ready to say goodbye to Framingham. At about the 7.3 mile mark, you’ll enter Natick.
You’ll pass a colorfully-signed taco joint on the right called the Aztec. You’ll take on a little climb that passes a Wendy’s restaurant on your left. Then you’ll pass the West Natick train station and hit the 8-mile mark.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Boston Course Guide
In case you don't want to read the whole guide at once, I've copied the first few miles below and will add more over the upcoming two weeks. I should say that by the time I got to the 2nd 1/2 of the guide, I was getting really excited and some chills for the upcoming race!
Mile-By-Mile Guide To The Boston Marathon « CBS Boston

Mile-By-Mile Guide To The Boston Marathon « CBS Boston
It’s a legendary course that stretches for 26.2 miles through beautiful suburban streets and right into the heart of downtown Boston. It’s on many a bucket list and its uphills and downhills have broken many a runner.
(Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
If you are one of the 25,000+ people registered to run this year’s Boston Marathon, keep reading! There are other course guides out there, but this one was written from years of experience, complete with visual cues, crowd cues, physical cues and strategy tips.
WBZ and Boston Marathon alumnus Peg Rusconi wrote this after her 12th marathon – 6 of them in Boston. Whether it’s your first of fifteenth time running Boston, you’re sure to find Peg’s insight, which follows, valuable.
View: Course Map (pdf)
Boston Marathon Start Line in Hopkinton (WBZ/Peg Rusconi)
Start Line to Mile 1
A possibly restless night and a long morning of waiting are finally in your rearview, as the starter’s pistol sounds and you’re bound for Boylston Street. Sort of. Honestly, the road between the Start line on the Hopkinton Green and the first mile marker might be lost in a haze of emotion, adrenalin, nerves – and bodies.
The surrounding pack of marathoners makes it hard to focus on much else, but this smothering situation will save you from yourself. It will keep you from barreling off on a jitter-fueled tear on the surprisingly steep drop that’s just past the start. You’ll hit a little uphill around the 1k mark, but this narrow stretch of rural road drops 130 feet – think a 13-story building – in that first mile.
Don’t waste energy trying to zigzag around people; you can show off in the miles ahead.
Expect very big crowds of spectators here.
Mile 1 to Mile 2
Everything about that hyper-frenzied first mile moderates as you travel the second mile toward Ashland. The downhill pitch flattens out a little, the spectator crowds thin a little, the field of runners spreads out a little. Now you can get your head centered and find your running rhythm.
One thing that might surprise you is the rolling hills early in the race. There’s little of real significance beyond that monster drop in the first mile, but if you’ve earned your marathon stripes running flat courses and arrive in Boston expecting the hills to start in Newton, you might be caught off guard. Newton is just where the REAL hills start.
If you’re measuring your progress by checking off the course’s 8 cities and towns, get ready to cross Hopkinton off your list.
Hello Ashland!
Last "long" run
With 2 weeks to go until the marathon, it is bittersweet to have the experience coming to an end. Obviously, while fund raising for DFMC and the Barr Program is a fantastic cause and well worth the effort, fundraising in general is not something that I'm entirely comfortable doing. That said, the support of more than 110 people have helped me raise $7632 to date! Between everyone's generosity, family members passing along the fundraising page and company matches, this has been more successful than I imagined. I also learned from DFMC that more than 50% of the funds raised tend to be donated after the marathon, so clearly there's still time to hit my goal and raise $10,000 for Dana-Farber and the Barr Program.
After being away earlier this week for work, this morning's run was a bit more difficult that I expected. I guess the jet lag and lack of sleep caught up with me more than I had originally thought. That said, I met 3 DFMC teammates in Coolidge Corner in Brookline and we ran against the course for 7mi before running back in along the course (route). This is the same 14 mile route that I ran a few weeks ago with other DFMCers. Today was a gorgeous day for a run and I'm beginning to wonder what Patriot Day will bring. Right now, is suggesting that April 12-14 will be rainy, the 15th sunny (41F/60F) and there's no prediction for Monday yet!! I guess that's for the best as it will change every day until the Sat before. Just keeping fingers crossed.
It would also be helpful if the BAA posted athlete tracking information, though it is not up yet. I was able to get my bib number though and am pretty excited about #23117. It may just be my new favorite number, though perhaps I'll wait to see how I finish before making such a commitment. As the race approaches and the BAA changes their website, I'll update the blog with athlete tracking options.
Onto another week of tapering, reducing miles and recovering from the last several months of training to be fully prepared for the marathon in 2 weeks!
After being away earlier this week for work, this morning's run was a bit more difficult that I expected. I guess the jet lag and lack of sleep caught up with me more than I had originally thought. That said, I met 3 DFMC teammates in Coolidge Corner in Brookline and we ran against the course for 7mi before running back in along the course (route). This is the same 14 mile route that I ran a few weeks ago with other DFMCers. Today was a gorgeous day for a run and I'm beginning to wonder what Patriot Day will bring. Right now, is suggesting that April 12-14 will be rainy, the 15th sunny (41F/60F) and there's no prediction for Monday yet!! I guess that's for the best as it will change every day until the Sat before. Just keeping fingers crossed.
Onto another week of tapering, reducing miles and recovering from the last several months of training to be fully prepared for the marathon in 2 weeks!
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