About Me

My Goal: Run the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2019 with the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge. Raise $17,000 (or more!) where 100% of funds raised benefit the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research. I run in honor of my friend Chris Davie who is battling brain cancer. I also run in honor for my friend RJ and his continued cancer-free life, in memory of Heather Thomson, and for other family and friends who are or have battled cancer. Together we can help Dana-Farber Cancer Institute reach the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer

Barr Program Impact Statements

Barr Program Impact Statements

Immunotherapies: New Ways to Activate the Immune System—An important area of cancer research asks why the human body's defense systems do not always attack and destroy tumors as they form. Funded by the Claudia Adams Barr Program, Glenn Dranoff, MD, discovered complex regulatory pathways in the human immune system that cancers exploit in order to escape destruction. Reversal of these effects can lead to the development of vaccines against cancer, like Provenge for prostate cancer. This research has also enabled the development of immune-activating drugs such as ipilimumab, which showed striking effects in melanoma in a trial led by Dana-Farber scientists and is now approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Encouraging Week

After last week's muscle strain I had decided to take this week slower and a bit easier, focusing on cross training activities.  I hadn't been to the gym in a while so it was nice to put my membership fees to work again, but it also reminded me why I prefer to run so much more!  Inside on a static piece of equipment just is not that exciting. Anyway, the cross training coincided well with a bit of a cold, so it good week to rest up a bit.  As a result my muscle strain/over use injury has definitely calmed down a bit and was feel pretty good today.  I still plan to rest up tomorrow and then another slow training run this weekend, but a bit longer, say in the 13-16mi range.

I also received a nice little package today from DFMC upon returning home.  I had heard about the DFMC shoelaces as a gift for hitting the $6000 fund raising mark and was lucky enough to hit that earlier this week!  As always, thanks to everyone that has contributed directly or supported me in some way!

Given that I may only run marathons, especially Boston, a limited number of times, I sure chose a good time to run Boston for the first time.  This year, 2 highly enjoyable things are being combined - the Boston Marathon and Sam Adams beer: "Sam Adams Brewer Crafts Beer for the Granddaddy of All Marathons"  Of course, there's also the apparel, which of course will need to be purchased.  Luckily, this year's color is just what I was hoping for.  Who really wants normal blues, depressing blacks, happy yellows, and Red Sox Red?  No, we need something a bit more, hmm, energizing! This is the Men's Official Jacket and the picture doesn't do it justice...it is traffic cone orange bright!  At least I'll be safe running/walking at night, safety first of course!  Throw the decent weather (thus far) into the mix and this has been a great year for Boston thus far!

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